Wednesday, 7 August 2013

From comment to life for real

Right. Now time to move from a comment to my very own first Blog entry. Around me lies all the indispensable kit for a Safari in the wide salt pans and deserts of Namibia and Botswana. Gaffer tape and cable ties for bits that fall off, grapefruit knife for, well, that's ok, torches, spare batteries, plugs and wires, pills and potions and creams for this and that. A few clothes. Stuff. Let indeed this latest Awfully Big Adventure recommence.     


  1. Bragging again! I'm still at the list stage.
    Conundrum - just how many leads and power connectors does one need?

  2. Too many !! I have 2 battery chargers, mains adapters, and USB adapter for car and leads for phone and iPad. Think that's all. A bag full of leads.

    1. and do you put them in the hold and hope your baggage arrives with you, or go all oopsie and carry the bally things in your teensy 8kg cabin allowance?
